Chiropractic Care
From muscle control and pain and sensation to balance and organ function, the nervous system is responsible for everything that happens inside your body. Oftentimes, the communication within your body that allows it to function optimally is interrupted by displaced bones and resulting nerve pressure.
Total Healthcare of Ark-La-Tex aims to correct this interference by realigning the body and encouraging the nervous system to behave more appropriately. When your body is free to function as it knows how, your overall health is positively affected.
Our Techniques
While Dr. Warner uses a variety of adjustment techniques depending on your condition, he most commonly relies on the Zone Technique utilizing the Impulse Adjusting Instrument® to help him perform gentle, precise adjustments.
The Zone Technique is a powerful evaluation protocol which allows Dr. Warner to achieve tremendous results with a multitude of conditions and complaints. Designed by Neuromechanical Innovations, the Impulse is able to pinpoint problem areas and address them in such a way that is comfortable for patients of all ages. It may only feel like a repetitive tap on the back, but it the Impulse Adjusting Instrument that allows Dr. Warner to make a world of difference.
request an appointmentOngoing Maintenance
We have seen many patients who require an active treatment plan. If our specific evaluation protocol indicates a challenged nervous system, we want to do all we can to correct the issue at hand and prevent it from worsening.
Standard treatment varies from person to person. Throughout your treatment, Dr. Warner will analyze results to determine how well the body is responding to care and what needs to be done moving forward. Of course, we want to hear from you and formulate a plan that allows you to feel comfortable.
Chiropractic care is essential to the upkeep of the body. Our Texarkana practice looks forward to helping you maintain your health and move closer to total wellness. Contact us today to book a same-day appointment!
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